US don’t grab Iraq oil? How honorable. I think it looks more like you tried too but then the public relationship backslash is too big that you choose to withdraw. Anyway it’s fair price. The iraqis seems better of defeated by US. They are effectively liberated.
I still do not get it though. Saddam was quite nice to Christians minority. He didn’t betray US. He attacked Kuwait not knowing that US is against that. He attacked Iran because Iran messed up with US. Yes he killed his own people, but only when US government approve that.
So why you hate him so much? He is evil. Everyone is, and he’s not evil to you. I am just curious.
If you really just want to spread democracy, you don’t need to bomb. Free market brings democracy in chile and many other places. Why you bomb anyway? I am not talking about right or wrong. What do you get?
US don’t grab Iraq Oil? is a post from: Ελεύθερη αγορά Forever
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